Payroll Service

Payroll Services

Payroll being an indispensable function for any organization demands specialization and a clear understanding of applicable laws in systematic processing of the employees payroll. Understanding this burgeoning requirement and also to foster confidentiality and administrative convenience, we offer a discreet range of payroll services to our wide base of clients.

We offer a flexible and comprehensive payroll service, which may curtail a significant administrative burden from management, allowing them to pave focus on the core business operations. Using our years of experience, we ensure that salary and tax calculations are done in accordance with the appropriate legislation. Our distinct approach to payroll services is solely focused upon viable planning, a fixate approach and support to the company from start to finish. We enjoy a pan-India presence that allows us to effectively cater to the divergent needs of the client across the country.

Need for Payroll Outsourcing

  • Payroll Management is a time consuming process
  • It is difficult to keep a track of when to pay the monthly statutory deposits and when to file returns
  • Erroneous and late filing result in penalties
  • It is a headache to keep a track of the various changes in rules
  • Benefit programme of complex nature cannot be implemented
  • It is difficult to keep and organize all records

Common mistakes in Payroll Processing

  • Setting up Payroll Incorrectly
  • Forgetting to record in paper checks
  • Submitting deposits late or incorrectly
  • Neglecting to run payroll on time
  • Compliance differ location-wise
  • Non-Confidentiality & Data Leakage